Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To the Nines-- reviewing the centuries Response assignment #3

Hi, I'm going to be responding to Christopher Moore's blog called "To the nines reviewing the centuries blog as my history assignment #3. Here

The question he's asking is what we think Canada will be like in 100 years from now.
I think Canada will improve a lot in those upcoming 100 years, maybe they'll find a cure for cancer, or students will stop using textbook and use blogs instead.

Maybe scientists will find a solution for global warming if they spend a little more time on it because this is a lot more important than things like living on mars or making a new game system.

Maybe we will find a way to plant some plants on mars so we get oxygen on mars so we will be able to live there eventually because it is said that scientist have already found water there.

Instead of using oil for energy because its expensive and limited, scientist would probably find a way to make solar powered cars which i think they're already working on or solar powered airplanes.

Maybe they would make a machine that predict when earth quakes are about to happen or create machines that act like mountains to stop or weaken the earth quakes, because mountains are said to weaken earth quakes


Firas D. said...

Hey this is the first comment. I liked the ideas you came up with on what the world will look like in 100 yrs.

Unknown said...

Gosh, I wish people would comment so more over here. Anyways, short and precise like Firas's blog which is exactly what I like. Kinda makes me wonder what scientists are going to use to make cars hover O_o?

Response by TimL

Check out my "100 years into the Future!"

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Hasan,

Some good ideas here, but I'd like to see you develop them more. Also, don't forget to spell check!